zondag 24 mei 2015

verleden weken beelden


hierOndR watt beelden
van de verleden weken.
dat z'Op zichzel mOgen spreken.

pepé: lettermenger



"kruis g1"
"kruis 1"


"scheepsketting waalkade nijmegen"

"hum'an'ature art"

"selfie 3Omrt2O15"
"header 3Omrt2O15"


"O Oda O fuuki sticker"

"mensenmachines graven een plas.
mens plaatst een bOrd 'kwetsbaar gebied'.
- OOijpOlder nijmegen -"
"OOijpOlder nijmegen waakpaard"

"1 mei &/ mayday nijmegen 2015"



"teer II"


"huis 03"
"huis 05 &/= alice in spiegelland"
"huis 06 &/= samenleving"
"huis 11 &/= under the ivy"
"huis 14"


"vRbOden vrucht"


donderdag 21 mei 2015



heul Oud taO-vRhaaltje van zhuang zi
ui't [levende] hOOfd van lettermenger,
[dus nie' letterlijk!]

R was R is 'n keizer die heerste OvR 't land
i'n windstreek van watt nu china heet,
wiens paardenhOud★ stierf
en kOrt daarOp OOk 't beste renpaard.

de keizer stuurde zijn bOdes het land in,
Op zOek naar 'n persOOn
die 't beste renpaard van't land aanwijzen kOn.
die zOu de nieuwe paardenhOud★ wOrden.

vele bOdes keerden OnvRhOOpt weer.
tOt Op 1 dag 1 bOde met iemens kwam
die zei 't beste paard te kennen.
vOlg'ns die mens zOu't paard 'n zwarte hengst wezen,
wOnende bij die mens in die plaats.

de keizer stuurde R bOdes h1 Om te gaan kijken.

«att bleek?
Jahwell, 't was 'n uniek gOed renpaard,
maar 't was 'n witte merrie & g1 zwarte hengst!
met de merrie kwamen de bOdes aan bij de keizer.

de bOdes vrOegen de keizer
waarOm hij 't wOOrd van deze mens had vRtrOuwd
die 'n witte merrie al'zen zwarte hengst had OnthOuden.

«aarOp de keizer zei:
"Omdat 'n waar paardenhOud★
dÓÓr het paard h1 kijkt,
kijkt naar kwaliteit en zO vRgeet
Of't 'n zwarte hengst Of 'n witte merrie is.

de bOdes begrepen en zwegen.


dinsdag 19 mei 2015

applicatiOn 4 lgbtq kuchu times magazine, uganda


may 19th 2015, 2:14 a.m.

O kasha jacqueline
O peOple frOm kuchu times
O peOple frOm uganda
O peOple

last night i cOuldn't sleep, havin' the flu & suffering.
i seldOmly pray, but when it feels right, i dO.
that night i started with;
"sO, what shOuld i call yOu nOw, "gOd", Or "O"?
& i chOse 2 start with


sO i gOt what i asked 4;
hands that R almOst empty,
billiOns Of cOmrades
and 1, 2, maybe 3 peOple i'd still dare 2 call my friends,

right nOw i'm clueless which fOllOwing step 2 take.

all my life,
when i prayed & asked 4 yOur advice,
@ least a signal, a sign,
yOu gave it 2 me
fOr which i've thanked & thank yOu
every mOment Of my life.
i need such a clear answer frOm yOu again!"

these were nOt the literal wOrds i used
& i used a lOt mOre afterwards,

that same night
yOur name came in2 my mind,
cOmbined with the things yOu['ve] put yOur bOdy, heart & sOul in2,
the[n&re] i gOt the idea Of asking yOu if we cOuld bundle Our energies,
in the first place 4 kuchu times.

& sO it happened that mOrning
& then i received yOur lOvely & warm replies!


whO's knOcking?

my name is pepe,
41 years Old On this date.

3 years Old i was eager 2 learn 2 read & write
which my mOther, uncle & sesamy street lOv[e/ing]ly did.

6 years Old this same uncle gave me his Old typewriter
& frOm that time On i was a writer,
writing childrens stOries
& mOnthly magazines 4 family & friends.

14 years Old i fell in lOve with a bOy.
bOrn & raised in the rOman cathOlic religeOus traditiOns,
that was quite a shOck.
always wOre my heart On my sleeve,
sO when this happened, i tOld my parents.
that was quite a shOck.

@ that age i thOught i was guy.
later fOund Out i'm mOre bi.
nOw i prefer nOt 2 lable lOve any different than lOve.

17 years Old i started studying a training 2 becOme a teacher in the dutch language,
when i was 19 thOugh, i switched OvR 2 studying art therapy, specializatiOn drama.
studying art therapy's been a 5 years lOng persOnal therapy as well.
2 be shOrt, it taught me mOre than the lable prOmised.

still, i dOn't like lables,
sO, very sure Of watt i did,
just be4 finishing my study, i quit;
didn't want 2 have that diplOma, that lable..
that was quite an Other shOck 4 my parents.
didn't dO Our already timid band any better.

neither didn't my desiciOn
@ my 18th 2 leave the cathOlic church,
nOt because i'm nOt a religiOus &/ spiritual persOn,
mOre because i were & i still am.
it was just, yeah.. why lable it?

i have nO drivers license.
dOn't think i need 2 say mOre.
frustrated my parents quite much, thOugh,
that i didn\t want 2 start driving lessOns 4 that reasOn.

same as it shOcked them
i preferred Organic & vegetarian fOOd.
they 4bid me, as lOng as i lived in their hOuse,
2 be trying 2 cOnsume as fair & little as pOssible.
i'm sOrry i have 2 write this.
i fear it's culture & traditiOn OvR here.
sO far.

@ 21 i wOrked 4 the natiOnal gay magazine "gay krant" 4 just a shOrt periOd.

@ 22 sOmethin', well, magickal?
@ least sOmethin' that was very impressivehappened 2 me,
i cOuld write many bOOks abOut
& maybe i already dO, yet they dOnOt carry the lable "bOOk".
let's say,
that was the first time i seriOusly cOnsidered leaving "the west",
"the spiritual third wOrld", fOr india,
what i almOst did.

[10 sOngs frOm wide, 1998 & 1999]

after studying,
first i wOrked 2 years as a singer, dancer & entertainer @ a hOliday park.
after wOrk a friend & i sang in the duO wide
4 which i wrOte mOst Of the lyrics.

@ 26 i've been the directOr Of 2 plays Of a lOcal theatre grOup.
@ that same age i wOrked as trainer in basic knOwledge Of the cOmputer, 4 cOmpanies as well as 4 'free universities'.

nOt telling all the things i did,
nOt wanting 2 make this 2 lOng;

after that
i wOrked 8 years @ abn amrO bank.
quite a surprising step,
not just 4 me -
althOugh it alsO started after a prayer
2 that [s]O[me[&/=][thing] wh[ich/O] i can't & dOn't want 2 lable..

2 me wOrking there felt like a big chance
"2 ask mOney what i felt i had 2 ask it"
( i'm nOt a big fan Of mOney,
euphemistically spOken,
[1 Of the main reasOns
i'm asking yOu 4 "a bed" & [veggie] fOOd
2 be able 2 keep On puttin' my bOdy, heart & sOul
in the lOve 4 life i feel yOu & i &/= [many] O[thers] share;
mOney cOrrupts, sO, please dOn't put me in2 "that" pOsitiOn] ).

in that same periOd
i was singer in the band fireflies.
we released 2 ep's & 2 albums,
the 2007 album yOu can listen Over here if yOu like.

well, & nOw yOu knOw the way 2 my yOutube-accOunt.
please, feel free. it's there 2 share.

sO nOw i'm jObless as it is labled OvR here
& in many OthR cOuntries with names.
5 years nOw.

sent manies & manies Of applicatiOns, as is Ordered,
and literally never gOt any, any, reply.

[   & nOw 1 apllicatiOn 2 uganda.. ( : )   ]

never quit writing, thOugh.
& lOng live sOcial media!

2013, a year after having jOined the Occupy mOvement in nijmegen,
frOm the beginning 2 the [tent-]end,
this idea Of "Owriting" &/= "Oschrift [in dutch]"
which can['t] be explained with [mOre] wOrds (if desired).

these days fascistic & fundamentalistic vOices R grOwing
&/ seem 2 be [heard] lOudR than be4,
@ least in the sO-called "west".

being "white" myself, thOugh,
bOrn & raised in the netherlands, lOOking back,
sOmetimes it feels as if nOt much / nOthin' changed @ all;
[white] peOple just seem 2 dare 2 express it mOre Openly
& pOlitics prOfits frOm that.
well, lemme try 2 nOt becOme 2 extensive here ( :

& here we R,
dear kasha jacqueline,
dear O,
the 19th Of may, 2015.

feels like all the decisiOns i described in this blOg pOst fall in their place.

what will happen next?
[wh]O [knOws?]

let's find Out!

lOve frOm nijmegen,

pepé: lettermenger
